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A Re-scheduled Run the Reservoir 5k is a Great Success

Originally scheduled for late June, the Run the Reservoir 5k was re-scheduled due to wildfire concerns to November 9th. Despite the new date, participants were eager to test themselves on the mostly flat, double lake loop at the South Mountain Reservoir in West Orange, New Jersey. Organized by the New Jersey Bankruptcy Lawyers Foundation, the organization of the events helped participants easily get there bibs and prepare for their run.

It seems that we have finally turned a coner in regards to the rain as the weather was perfect for early November. The race began at 6pm with racers zipping around in twilight. First to cross the line was Ryan Ober who finished just inside of 18 minutes with a 17:59 clocking, winning the Men's Division by nearly 50 seconds. On the women's side, it was Jennifer short to secured the win in dominant fashion, putting over three minutes on her closest competitor.

Check out results for all of our races this year here.

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